Thursday, June 25, 2009

Entry 9 - Berry Healthy Shake by Visa Sriram

Recipe :

Serves 4

Ingredients :
Strawberry - 7 to 8
Banana - 1
Flavored Yogurt - Any flavor. I used strawberry in this recipe.
Orange Juice - 1 cup
Ice cubes
Whipped topping - optional

Blend the strawberries, banana, flavored yogurt and ice cubes. Chill if needed else pour into a glass with few more ice cubes and top it with some whipped topping.

Serving Suggestions:
You can replace strawberries with any other kind of berries you like. If berries are not in season frozen berries make an excellent substitute.
For topping, suit your fancy. I went with whipped topping because I still had some in my freezer. A scoop of ice cream topped with strawberry syrup and nuts would be great too. For those wtaching their waist and hips a scoop of fat free frozen yogurt is an ideal substitute.

What makes this shake healthy?
1. There is NO added sugar. It is naturally sweet because of the yogurt and the banana, so makes a healthy snack for the kids and adults alike.
2. When low fat yogurt is used and whipped topping is ommited, makes a healthy and balanced drink for calorie counters. Quarter banana is not gonna hurt the weighing scales :)
3. Strawberries are very rich in anti oxidant and is a god-send for weight watchers.
4. Banana is rich in potassium, low on sodium and has abundant vitamins and minerals. Having a banana right before our exercise boosts our energy levels.
5. Enough cannot be said about the benefits of yogurt. It is high in calcium and b12 vitamin. Increases the immune power and low fat yogurt is a very nutritious snack for weight watchers.
6. Orange Juice is extremely rich in Calcium and Vitamin C.

This is a very healthy shake , super easy and can be enjoyed by all including pregnant and lactating women, waist watchers and kids. Do try it and let me know how it turns out.

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