Thursday, June 25, 2009

Entry 18 - Coco Pineapple Delight by kavitha Puppala

What could be more refreshing than some coconut water? With the added nutrition of pineapple, this delightful drink becomes a must-have. A mind-blowing combination of pineapple and coconut meat, added to the wholesome coconut water! Coconut is rich in potassium and pineapple in vitamin C. Enzyme 'bromelin' in pineapple helps stabilize the acid-alkaline balance of body fluids providing much relief to sufferers of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis,and improves digestion The micronutrient rich subza complement this sweet and sour drink perfectly.
Ingredients :
2 big slices of pineapple with the skin, cut into pieces
1 small tender coconut (coconut water)
½ cup tender coconut meat (nariyal ki malai)
½ teaspoon subza (garden cress seeds
1. soak subza in water for 10 mts
2. Juice the pineapple slices.
3. Chop the tender coconut meat finely.
4. Mix together the pineapple juice, tender coconut meat and tender coconut water.
5.. Add some crushed ice in 2 glasses and pour the juice over it. Serve immediately.

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