Thursday, June 25, 2009

Entry 19 - Mixed Fruit Punch by Vineela Sagar

Drinking mixed fruit punch is very refreshing and boosts energy levels while still the taste can be enjoyed. This also avoids dehydration, a common problem in summer season.

Mango Pulp – 1 Cup
Orange Fanta – 3-4 Cups
Milk – 3 tbsps
Strawberry Ice Cream - 1 Cup
Almonds – For Decoration


Boil the milk and let it cool.
Mix mango pulp, milk, fanta, and half of the strawberry ice cream well and refrigerate for some time.
Just before serving, add the remaining ice cream and decorate with almonds.
If needed, add ice cubes.
This punch is really easy to make and presence of fanta attracts kids’ attention. Following are some of the nutritional benefits of this punch:

Mango pulp is one of the best summer time drinks and helps in conditions like constipation, excessive thirst, stress, mental weakness.

The antioxidants present in strawberries cleanse the blood from harmful toxins. Strawberries also provide excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese, as well as folic acid, potassium etc.

Fanta is highly refreshing and low in sugar compared to many other carbonated drinks.
Almonds are rich source of protein and minerals, especially for vegetarians. They are highly alkaline and have plenty of vitamins E and B

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